
Secure-Computing.JP #4: What is a Secure Computing PoC?

“What is a Secure Computing PoC? 〜From the perspective of a Startup”

We are pleased to annouce the 4th event of “Secure-Computing.jp”, a monthly event run by the Secure Computing Consortium, will be held on Tuesday, November 2nd from 18:00 online.

In this 4th event of Secure-Computing.jp, we welcome Mr. Takao Takenouchi, CTO of Digital Garage DG Lab, to introduce three different PoCs using secure computing technologies.

For details and registration follow the link:

Mr. Takenouchi has been engaged in R&D and business development of security and privacy technologies such as anonymization and secure computing for more than ten years. He is familiarized with the current industry situation of secret computation in Japan. On the day of the event, he will introduce PoC cases that are being developed at Digital Garage and other examples of companies working with these technologies in Japan and abroad.

In adition, from Secure Computing startups, Mr. Takahashi, CEO of Acompany, and Mr. Imabayashi, CEO of EAGLYS, will take the stage and dicuss PoC from their own companies. Together they will bring new insights and issues that have emerged while actually using secure computing technologies in real business applications. If you want to know more about use cases when regarding these technologies, this is a good place to start.

The main talk session of the day will consist of questions from the audience. In addition to the pre-registration questionnaire, we will be collecting questions in real time during the webcast, so please feel free to send us your questions.

18:00 – 18:10Opening RemarksAcompany Co., Ltd.
18:10 -18:40Current secure computing PoCs and the efforts from each company from the startup perspectiveTakao Takenouchi, CTO of Digital Garage DG Lab , Hiroki Imabayashi, President and CEO of EAGLYS Inc., and Ryosuke Takahashi, President and CEO of Acompany Co., Ltd.
18:50 – 19:00Break
19:00 – 19:55Talk SessionTakao Takenouchi, CTO of Digital Garage DG Lab , Hiroki Imabayashi, President and CEO of EAGLYS Inc., and Ryosuke Takahashi, President and CEO of Acompany Co., Ltd.
19:55- 20:00Closing Remarks Acompany Co., Ltd.

※ Please note that on the day of the event, the time allocation and content may change without previous notice.

More information about the Secure Computing Consortium: