Sensitive data governance & AI assurance made easy

A safe and secure data access environment for projects with multiple organizations and stakeholders.

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Knowledge creation

Work with sensitive data without compromising confidentiality

Quickly create a secure environment to enable remote data access and AI analytics. DataArmor Room allows you to share and link data across internal departments, organizations, and locations. Data owners can enforce fine-grained access control via their respective keys – allowing for greater accountability and traceability.

Financial benefits

Reduce cost and accelerate access to critical information

Deploying and operating AI systems along with the data sources takes a large amount of time and effort – from designing the architecture, through development all the way to launching operations. The security of each function, the behavior controls, data collection and version management creates additional costs for such a project. DataArmor room takes all this into consideration and provides you with the security and governance functionalities that protect against mistakes and attackers alike. All this results in higher efficiency and lower cost for your AI operations.

Team Work

Empower Data Scientists to securely share data and scale cooperation

Allow your team to exchange information freely, knowing that only the right people will be able to actually decrypt the information available. Through data sharing give your AI access to the largest dataset possible.

Coming Soon

Our latest project is a service to allow data scientists and other authorized users partial access to secure data, access that may be necessary for the development of AI models, for audit, or compliance reasons for example.

This solution takes a multi-tiered approach, merging encryption technologies with strict access control to provide a safe, secure, and useful data access environment. It is currently under development.